First of all I welcome you from bottom of my heart.
There is
some reason behind everything. For what I have started writing blog ? What is
reason behind that ? And I am very exited to tell all you people about myself.
Well , I
am Omkar Lawand, one of the student among you. I am starting this blog series
to boost curiosity of myself as well as yours. I always keep searching , doing
study of the curious topics related to science, space technology, physics and
many such things full of mystery ,curiosity and I eager to know answers why
this things gonna happen ?
With the
help of my friends I got platform and chance to express, share my words,
knowledge which I have, among all of you. And its my pleasure to share with you
So, stay
tuned with me. We will explore , study related to all topic which boost our
curiosity as well as knowledge. I will post all the material honestly and I
hope you will like it !
supporting 😊